Sunday, November 13, 2016

Nov. 14-18

Your during the day interventions should be taking place twice a week until Dec. 8.

Nov. 28th is data day. On this day please meet in the conference room and please bring your phones and have the Lead 4 Ward app downloaded on your phone. Planning days are coming up in December. The planning days will focus on areas of improvement and planning for those areas with the instructional coaches. Our focus will be reading in PK-4. More information about the planning day will be discussed at data day on Monday, Nov. 28th.

Nov. 29th will be Imagine Learning training for ALL teachers in 2-6 that administer the TELPAS writing. The training will take place in the lab. 

Boys Town training will also take place for those of you who were signed up. Please attend the Boys Town training if you are also scheduled for the Imagine Learning training and Ronnie will have a make up day for those of you who missed it. 

Start planning your grade levels skit for our Holiday get together on Dec. 20. Grade level that wins get a month of jeans in January. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Nov. 7-11

Happy November Birthdays to...
3-Sergio Gamboa
5-Cynthia Powers
6-Grace Santillano
Marina Scialdone
12-Adriana Arenas
22-Gaylynn Caraveo
Christina Caraveo
26-Daisy Sosa

Please watch the YOUTUBE video before the blog..

Vertical Team Meeting- Nov. 14 3:00-3:45
NO PLC Nov. 14
TTESS Training for ALL staff on Nov. 15
Sharon Wells @ EP Nov. 16-17 & Thanksgiving Lunch Day on Nov. 17
PD for staff Nov. 18
Staff planning time on PD Thursday on Nov. 17