Saturday, March 25, 2017

March 27-31

Are You Better This Year Than What YOU Were Last Year?

VIP dates to remember
Autism Awareness Week- April 3-7
Walk Across Ysleta- April 8
School Librarian Day, April 4
National Librarians Week- April 10-14
Volunteer and Administrative Professionals Week- April 24-28
Donuts, Desserts and Dinner with Distinguished Dudes and Dads Day- Apr. 27

Saturday, March 18, 2017

March 20-24

Who Will YOU Inspire Today, Tomorrow and EVERY Day?

Most of the info is in the blog. Just an FYI for next week testing. Unified for our 4th and 5th grade students next week.

Monday- Eastwood Area blue polo shirts with jeans.
Tuesday- Any Read Across American shirt (students are testing reading) and jeans
Tennis shoes or sandals PLEASE no heels.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

March 13-16

It's Spring Break Time... This will be short and sweet
This is National School Breakfast week AND Diagnosticians week. Please take the time to recognize our cafeteria and Ms. Hargrove in whichever way your team sees fit. 

Thank you to all of you who submitted your letters to students. We will be mailing the K-2 letters and bringing in the students in 3-6. We are going to wait to give students in 3-6 their letters until they come back from spring break as a bit of "fire and incentive" to kick it in gear"

We do have a multiplication challenge THIS THURSDAY. Please send your students. 

4th and 5th have one week after we return from spring break before their testing begins. 4th and 5th grade we know you got this. 

STAAR testing scheduled for this Monday will be done Monday, March 20 when we return. This will only be for 4th and 5th grade teachers, ALL SPED personnel to include aides and ALL SUPPORT staff to include aides.

Our pep rally is this Friday beginning at 1:30. Please make sure you have submitted your names for growth so they can be recognized. There will NOT be a dance. 

Mrs. Mares you have announcements this week and Mrs. Carter you have it the week we return from spring break. 

New RTI and follow ups from Jan. 11 are this Wednesday. Mrs. Jurado will be sending information.

PD Thursday is team time this Thursday. Use this time to plan with your team or catch up on what you need to do to be prepared for when we return from spring break. Release time is 3:45 on Thursday and 3:00 on Friday. For those of you who do Friday tutoring you can cancel or not since it is the kick off to spring break. Your choice. 

A little incentive to get us through the week as we prepare for spring break. For Staff Only

Monday- We have to be superhero's to get through this week. Wear a superhero shirt with jeans.
Tuesday- We are the Happiest School on Earth- wear jeans with a Disney character shirt
Wednesday- In a few more days we will be able to sleep in late- Wear your PJ's 
Thursday-  Don't be bummed out, Spring Break is almost here- Appropriate beach attire.  Capri's and Bermuda's are allowed. No tank tops or spaghetti straps.
Friday- School Spirit day- Please wear an East Point T-Shirt to celebrate our kids at the pep rally. 

Have a SAFE and RESTFUL Spring break.