Saturday, December 16, 2017

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Dec. 11-15

“If every person in this room made it a rule that wherever you are, whenever you can, you will try to act a little kinder than is necessary - the world really would be a better place. And if you do this, if you act just a little kinder than is necessary, someone else, somewhere, someday, may recognize in you, in every single one of you, the face of God.”

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Dec. 4-8

  1. “If you don’t like where you are, picture where you want to be.” – Auggie

Thanks for the idea Yvonne De Rouen!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Nov. 27- Dec. 1

"When given the choice of being right or being kind, ALWAYS choose being KIND." 

Happy December Birthdays
10- Rubina Jurado
16- Laura Flores
27- Maggie Martinez
30- Nicole Dominguez
31- Teresita Aldama 

Friday, October 27, 2017

Oct. 30-Nov. 3

"Great teachers did not become great by accident. They became great because they made a decision that being "good" was not enough."

Happy November Birthdays
3- Sergio Gamboa
5- Cynthia Powers
6- Grace Santillano, Marina Scialdone
11- Armando Gutierrez
12- Adriana Arenas
12- Shannon Adams
15- Joan Samaniego
22- Gaylynn and Christina Caraveo
26- Daisy Sosa
30- Araceli Immediato

Friday, October 20, 2017

Oct. 23-27

"Great teachers will spend time thinking about how they can improve their lesson the next day. That's just what they do. "

Friday, October 13, 2017

Oct. 16-20

"Great teachers define their success by the success of their students. They understand it's not about the's about the learning."

Early Release Schedule
PK-2 release at 11:15 from classrooms
3-4 take to gym for release
5-6 will to front of school

Friday, October 6, 2017

Oct. 9-13

"Great teachers are not intent on winning "battles" with the students. They understand that if there is a battle in the classroom, nobody wins. "

Friday, September 29, 2017

Oct. 2-6

Happy October Birthdays to 
Erika White- 10
Leina Rubio- 13
Gabby Rodarte, Charla Huston- 15
Diane Griego- 17
Yvonne De Rouen- 20
Tere Soltero- 31

"Great teachers are not intent on winning "battles" with the students. They understand that if there is a battle in the classroom, nobody wins."

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Sept 25-29

************Great teachers understand the power of human connection, so they are diligent about building relationships with their students. They are even relentless about connecting with the knuckleheads.********************

Friday, September 15, 2017

Sept. 18-22

Great Teachers don't show up for WORK... they show up for KIDS! It's a passion --not a job

Benefit enrollment information meeting will be on Oct. 19 @ 3:15 all staff needs to attend. Benefit enrollment will be Oct. 23 here in the library from 7:00-3:45.

Friday, September 8, 2017

September 11-15

When a lesson does not go as planned, great teachers are not looking around the room...they are looking in the mirror.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Sept 4-8

Great teachers understand that developing the right classroom climate is a PREREQUISITE to teaching the right lesson. 

Happy September Birthdays
Nurse Jacque, Georgia, Charity, Boyd, Gonzalez, Aboytes, Flato, Munoz, Rincon

Don't forget about the Raz Kids trainings this week. 

Friday, August 25, 2017

Aug. 28- Sept 1

Great teachers understand that developing the right classroom climate is a prerequisite to teaching the right lesson. 


Saturday, August 19, 2017

August 21-25

Things that principals know about GREAT teachers... 
"I have had the privilege of working with many great teachers. These are some things that are true about them:

Great teachers don't always have the best lessons. But they always have the best relationships with kids.

Monday, August 14, 2017

August 14-18

It's almost time for the school year to start. See you next week!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

May 29-June 2

Last Blog of the Year! You have done it! Find peace in knowing you have done it all. If you didn't feel you gave your best, reflect and gear up for another year in August. Thank you for making me the PROUDEST principal! A group of us are presenting in Austin in June and the title is, "From A School Like Every Other to A School Like No Other!" Can't wait to talk about all the great things we do at this campus. I'll be asking some of you to present at a conference here in El Paso in October that will be hosted at our campus by the Paso Del Norte Foundation. 

Friday, May 19, 2017

May 22-26

Don't forget about our Walk Down Memory Lane on Monday at 9:00. We are asking all classes to step outside as a former East Point students will take their final walk down the halls that started at and now are graduating seniors. 

Don't forget about participating in graduation for our kids please. Pre-K and 1st will attend kinder graduation. 2-6 and support and SPED will attend 6th grade graduation. 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

May 15-19

We would like to welcome Mr. Armando Gutierrez who will be joining our Spartan family next year and will be teaching 6th grade dual next year. He comes to us from Desertaire Elementary. We would also like to wish the best of luck to Mrs. Sapien who will be joining the Mesa Vista family next year and teaching 3rd grade dual. Thank you for all you have done at East Point!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

May 8-12

Kids aren't inspired by lessons... they're inspired by TEACHERS! They are inspired by the ones who bring joy to their classroom, passion for their subject, and love for their students!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

May 1-5

This Week Celebrates Each of You!

Thank you for all you do!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

April 24-28

Adjusted P.E. times for Thursday Dads and Dudes Day

Kinder 8-8:45
1st- 8:45-9:30
2nd- 9:30-10:15
3rd- 10:15-11:00
4th- 12:15-1:00
5th- 1:00-1:45
6th- 1:45-2:30

Sunday, April 16, 2017

April 17-21

Get creative with hours in our school day
 Hope you had a great 4 day weekend! Success is OUR DESTINY!
Stay Strong... We are almost to the end!

Be better TODAY than you were YESTERDAY

Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 10-14

Happy Librarians Week
How do you make your students feel every day?
Choose your battles my peeps

Saturday, April 1, 2017

April 3-7

Take a look at these as we finish these last weeks of school. KEEP focused and KEEP positive!





Saturday, March 25, 2017

March 27-31

Are You Better This Year Than What YOU Were Last Year?

VIP dates to remember
Autism Awareness Week- April 3-7
Walk Across Ysleta- April 8
School Librarian Day, April 4
National Librarians Week- April 10-14
Volunteer and Administrative Professionals Week- April 24-28
Donuts, Desserts and Dinner with Distinguished Dudes and Dads Day- Apr. 27

Saturday, March 18, 2017

March 20-24

Who Will YOU Inspire Today, Tomorrow and EVERY Day?

Most of the info is in the blog. Just an FYI for next week testing. Unified for our 4th and 5th grade students next week.

Monday- Eastwood Area blue polo shirts with jeans.
Tuesday- Any Read Across American shirt (students are testing reading) and jeans
Tennis shoes or sandals PLEASE no heels.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

March 13-16

It's Spring Break Time... This will be short and sweet
This is National School Breakfast week AND Diagnosticians week. Please take the time to recognize our cafeteria and Ms. Hargrove in whichever way your team sees fit. 

Thank you to all of you who submitted your letters to students. We will be mailing the K-2 letters and bringing in the students in 3-6. We are going to wait to give students in 3-6 their letters until they come back from spring break as a bit of "fire and incentive" to kick it in gear"

We do have a multiplication challenge THIS THURSDAY. Please send your students. 

4th and 5th have one week after we return from spring break before their testing begins. 4th and 5th grade we know you got this. 

STAAR testing scheduled for this Monday will be done Monday, March 20 when we return. This will only be for 4th and 5th grade teachers, ALL SPED personnel to include aides and ALL SUPPORT staff to include aides.

Our pep rally is this Friday beginning at 1:30. Please make sure you have submitted your names for growth so they can be recognized. There will NOT be a dance. 

Mrs. Mares you have announcements this week and Mrs. Carter you have it the week we return from spring break. 

New RTI and follow ups from Jan. 11 are this Wednesday. Mrs. Jurado will be sending information.

PD Thursday is team time this Thursday. Use this time to plan with your team or catch up on what you need to do to be prepared for when we return from spring break. Release time is 3:45 on Thursday and 3:00 on Friday. For those of you who do Friday tutoring you can cancel or not since it is the kick off to spring break. Your choice. 

A little incentive to get us through the week as we prepare for spring break. For Staff Only

Monday- We have to be superhero's to get through this week. Wear a superhero shirt with jeans.
Tuesday- We are the Happiest School on Earth- wear jeans with a Disney character shirt
Wednesday- In a few more days we will be able to sleep in late- Wear your PJ's 
Thursday-  Don't be bummed out, Spring Break is almost here- Appropriate beach attire.  Capri's and Bermuda's are allowed. No tank tops or spaghetti straps.
Friday- School Spirit day- Please wear an East Point T-Shirt to celebrate our kids at the pep rally. 

Have a SAFE and RESTFUL Spring break. 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Feb. 27-Mar 3

Short and Sweet... Do What you Have To do to Make it Happen...

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Feb. 20-24

TTESS follow up for goal setting continues this week with your TTESS evaluator. 
RTI follow up is this week. Mrs. Jurado will be sending information as reminders. 
Sharon Wells training is next Monday and Tuesday at Mission Valley. Check the master calendar that we gave you for times.
Read Across American activities begin next week. We will combine Numbers and Nachos activities with Read Across America Night on March 2. 
Dual Language teachers we will meet next Thursday after PD Thursday to discuss WELLS and JELLS. Meeting will begin at 3:45. 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Feb. 13-17

CEIC members we have a meeting Monday, Feb. 20, 2017 @ 3:00
Sharon Wells is scheduled for Feb. 27 and 28. Please check your calendars
We will have a Black History Program Feb. 28 @ 8:30, 9:30 and 6:00.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Feb. 6-10

Please make sure you keep up with all the dates and information. Lot's of information in the blog and also reference information that was in last blog too. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Jan. 30- Feb. 6

Great teachers know that they are the variable in the classroom. Good teachers consistently strive to improve, and they focus on something they can control: their own performance"

 Lots of information in the blog so please listen carefully and take lots of notes. 

Sara and Miriam you both will be missed. You will always be a SPARTAN!

The 100th day of school is Feb. 6, 2017

Number and Nachos has been MOVED to Monday, Feb. 13 because of change of date for conferences.

Our first official STAAR training will take place, Monday Feb. 6 during your 45 minute grade level.

Valentine's Dance will be Friday, Feb. 10 in the afternoon.

Book fair will be run my admin team this year to help fundraise for all of the end of year assemblies and celebrations we have at school. Book fair will run Feb. 10-16

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Jan. 23-27

"Great teachers have high expectations for students, but have even higher expectations for themselves"

Data day will be next Monday. Email will be sent with what to bring with you. 

Multiplication challenge will be this Friday

3-6 you should have completed all your individual student conferences by now and all students should have their data plotted on their individual sheets and should be aware of their personal goals. 

Early Release Rotations

12:45-1:30- 3-6 Technology training with Medina in comp lab
12:45-1:30- K-2 Team planning and data time

1:30-2:30- K-2 Reading- library
3-6- Math - Ambriz room

2:45-3:45- 3-6 Reading- Library
K-2 Math- Ambriz room

*Sosa and Ambriz will attend early release with middle school PLC
*5th and 6th science teachers need to attend math sessions

Friday, January 13, 2017

Jan. 16-20

"Great teachers have high expectations for students, but have even higher expectations for themselves."

"Recognition focuses on what the person does, appreciation focuses on WHO the person is"

  • CEIC on Tuesday at 3:00
  • 5th and 6th grade trip parent info night on Tuesday at 5:30
  • DUALAC meeting this Wednesday until 4:15
  • Class pictures on Thursday
  • Because of CBA testing PLC will be on Monday, January 24, 2017 instead of Tuesday 
  • All tutoring begins Monday, Jan. 23 from 3:00-3:45

Friday, January 6, 2017

Jan. 9-13

"When a student misbehaves, great teachers have one goal: to keep that behavior from happening again"

Welcome back everyone! WE are so glad to have each of you safely back. I included a lot on the blog but here are some FYI'S. 
  • Sharon Wells is this week. Check you calendars and ensure your coverage is taken care of
  • Faculty meeting, Monday, Jan. 9 from 3:00-3:45 for EVERYONE.
  • CIP MOY review for all. Meet with your vertical teams to go over CIP Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:00-3:30 on both days.
      • Reading (Tuesday only)- with Ronnie in coaches room
      • Writing (Wednesday only)-with Ronnie in coaches room
      • Math (Tuesday and Wednesday)- with Margie in conference room
      • Science (Tuesday and Wednesday)- with Maggie in downstairs science lab
      • Social Studies (Tuesday and Wednesday)- with Adriana and Susana in Arenas room.
  • RTI is this Wednesday for those who submitted new referrals
  • PD Thursday is this Thursday
  • 5th and 6th grade trip parent meeting next Tuesday at 5:30.